ahhhh, this old chestnut! But its such a valid question, and if you want to invest into Pilates, then you should look into what you’re paying for.
Joe Pilates created this amazing exercise system, however Mr Pilates called his work “Contrology”. But over the years, Mr Pilates exquisite surname has been used extensively and surated throughout the fitness industry and from that, comes various interpretations about the work, hence totally deviating from his original work. Contrology or Pilates, is a disciplined workout, and instructors in training are required to go through rigorous training programs, with a genuine, direct lineage to Joe Pilates himself. No watered down versions, not bastardised versions - only the true Pilates. In some places, you could go into a “Pilates class”, do crunches, star jumps, hold planks and all under the assumed name of Pilates - but it isn’t Pilates. Pilates is a discipline and commitment required to truly learn this method You will move, you will be mentally challenged and mostly, you will be physically challenged. It is an incredibly deep and powerful workout in which you are formally introduced to your “powerhouse” - very deep and strong centre muscles in your body that can only be truly felt to be understood and appreciated. Joe Pilates also created incredible apparatus - Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Guillotine, Electric/High Chair, Baby chair etc etc, and the dimensions on these machines have not altered over time by original apparatus manufacturers such as Gratz and Pilates Design, LLC. Adjustments made dimensionally on pilates apparatus, by various other manufacturers, totally changes the feel of the exercise but also greatly compromises the prime exercise’s objective. It might sound all a bit boring or weird to the uninitiated, but your apparatus is super important. At Mint Pilates, we are a fully functional studio with the best apparatus, and amazing instructors too.
And take the time to get to know your instructor and their training. You are investing money into your health and putting it into their capable and highly skilled hands. True Pilates Instructors aren’t created over a weekend course, no, no, no….they are committed and take what they do seriously and commit a lifelong learning journey to this method. You should invest into these instructors. And we are those instructors here at Mint Pilates. Phew!